Susie's Awkward Vlog
2014 - 2022
Comedy, Vlog
Awkward vlogs. By Susie.
Return of the Awkward Vlog Montage!
These montages are 100% the easiest way to vlog. So they have a 20% higher chance of actually getting made. Which is about 40% past my normal capabilities so this one includes videos from many months lololololol cri
Myrtle Beach! (Vacay, 2022)
Documentation of our duo family vacation to North Myrtle Beach, early summer 2022
ANOTHER Hourly Vlog!
Kids, cuteness, silliness, etc. Enjoy! (thanks for making this vlog happen, Lewis ;) )
Filming Danger Couch!
Filming is fun, filming is great If forced to then 10/10 I would rate
Beach Vacay 2021
Panama City Beach! We came, we saw, we... conquered? No, we didn't. We just came and saw (despite car trouble). Drew is amaaazing.
Singing Washing Machine 2
This video is intended to be stupid
How to Text Internet Friends
This is how normal internet friends text each other, right?
Thunder Princess & Unicorn Glue
Thunder Princess, bigger than lions, 3-yr-old music composed in the car, unicorn glue & more!
Cursed Pokemon Coloring Book
I wanted to share some of these terrible and terrifying off-brand coloring pages because they're hilarious and Pokemon aren't supposed to commune with the dead. But there were so many good ones... I made a video. Enjoy, lol
Haha, enjoy our silliness once again
Kid Free & Childish
Happy Awkward Vlogmas (i really don't know anymore)
Quarantine Real Talk
I have NOTES?? What happened to me
Time To Dye
WTC how have I made so many of these dumb vlogs?
Silly By The Hour
Last fun outing before the Coronavirus quarantine �
Don't Mind If I Zoo
Don't mind if I zoo.
Chocolate Factory?
Disclaimer: VERY little of this video actually has to do with a chocolate factory lol
Gettin' Olderrr
Getting older right in yo face!
The Great Great Visit
Visiting my great Aunt Leah! Family matters.
Pros At Cons
Wow, I uh, didn't end up vlogging much of the ACTUAL comic expo. Whoops? Shruggity doo da (Vlogging at all was YOUR fault. You know who you are ;) XD)
Updates & Hourly Vlog
Busy busy busyyyyyyy!
This Is Not A Video
It’s not
Window Schmindow
It's hammer time! And kind of a storytime too lol. Enjoy!
Sickness & Silliness
I’m sick. They’re silly. Well... they’re sick too. And I’m silly I guess. So really...
Soaked Socks Suck
Camping, Hiking, Cramping, & Lighting Striking
Vlog Montage
Back at it again with the vlog montage??? Yeah
Kid-free day
How does a mom spend a kid free day? With... a shovel and a mouse? It’s weird.
Updates & Bananas
Another updaaaate (and then everything I said will change, making my updates obsolete once again!!!)
Viv Dance Montage
Viv is so. ridiculously. adorable. Enjoy �
We Need Tea
Tea was needed. Drew is sassy. Warnings heeded. Tea is classy.
Cold #WordOfTheDay
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