Danger Couch
2020 - 2023
Challenge, Comedy, Game, Guest, Unscripted
Unscripted. Unhinged.
Special MBE Trivia Game!
In this incredibly special Danger Couch, we play the one-of-a-kind MBE Trivia Game made by our very own LadyShadowMage!
Neanderthal Poetry!
Small words, big dreams.
Clothespin Trivia!
What's worse than getting trivia questions wrong? It's getting punished for getting trivia questions wrong by having clothespins attached to your face! Take a look and see for yourself!
Tiny Hands RETURN!
Join us as we replace our normal hands with tiny hands. And then try to do simple tasks using those tiny hands. (Hint: It does not go well.)
Roll The Can Again!
This game was EXTREMELY HORRIBLE last time, so of course we had to do it again. But this time we filled the cans with weird substances that made them roll goofy. And we made the whole thing BIGGER. Sound like a bad idea? It was. It was a bad idea.
MURDER The Haunted Couch
Of all the sick & twisted things we've ever done for our videos, this is certainly one of them. That said, I'm sure you'll agree that the Danger Couch needed to be punished for its many crimes.
Level Up HARDER!
In today's episode we jump as high as we can and we nearly send someone to the hospital! What fun!
Blindfolded With Scissors!
Disclaimer: Children, don't
Burger Academy!
Join us as we attempt to make burgers! Spoiler alert: Do Not Eat The Burgers
Sriracha the Game!
This was horrible. But Hannah's a dragon, so that's cool.
Shocktato Returns!
Happy 100th Danger Couch! We celebrate by recording this one during our very first MBERcon event in front of a live audience!!!
Improv Interview Game!
Before you do anything else check this out >>> MBERcon 2023
Gingerbread House Challenge!
Before you do anything else check this out >>> MBERcon 2023
Happy Salmon Game!
Who knew salmon were so insanely chaotic?!? We can't fully understand the internal workings of a crazed salmon, but we have made progress today.
Giant Throw Throw Burrito!
Things get intense with Throw Throw Burrito Extreme.
Pumpkin Carving Challenge!
Want the inside scoop on this Danger Couch? It started seedy but turned out pretty gourd.
Brand Name Vs. Off Brand!
Name that brand! Or... off brand. We will take that sponsorship, Kroger.
Anagram Challenge!
Anagram Challenge? More like... ...Genae harm call gran? ...Archangel Lama...N....
Sticky Notes Challenge!
Stick it to the man! Or.....yourself. Right in the face. Whoever you are.
Suck It Up Game!
Cockroach Poker
You know that feeling when you let lies fly? Or, flies lie? Or something like that.
Ponginator Game!
We bounce the ping pong balls off the table and into the egg carton. This adds gravity to the game. ha ha ha
Puddle Jumper Game!
Jump them puddles!
Balloon Bowling!
This is the most insane way to bowl. But insanity is like a dear friend and we welcome it quite often around here.
Dizzy Mummy Challenge!
Place your bets now on whether or not Hannah puked after filming!
It's Gettin' Dicey! (Game)
What do you do when the odds are stacked against you?
Exploding Watermelon Challenge!
The sequel is our exploding blisters challenge.
Try Not To Laugh Challenge!
We're just so incredibly sorry.
Hot Sauce Trivia Game!
Summer trivia with sweltering punishments!
Tortilla Slapping Challenge!
Do n o t laugh.
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