Malex Minute 212

Classic Malex Minute

Published: Fri, Nov 26, 2010
Tagged: Audio, Comedy, Podcast

Criminal charges? An improbable car accident? An unrepentant laptop? A lever marked, "Never Pull This?!" All this and more in this hilarious episode! Check it out!


  • Producer and Director: Alex Markley
  • Writers: Alex Markley & Peter Markley
  • Voices: Alex, Gabriel, Peter, & Susie Markley, with guest appearance by Rebecca Stout as Echofly.
  • Post-processing director: Susie Markley
  • Illustration: Peter Markley
  • Release manager: Peter Markley
  • Recording assistance: Amy H.
  • Thanks to London Sound Survey for use of the Charing Cross Library sound effect.
  • Thanks to Fish, The for use of the Rusty Crane, Keelung sound effect.
  • Thanks to Alexir for use of the Debris Walk sound effect.
  • Thanks to W.I.R. for use of the U.F.O Up sound effect.
  • Thanks to everyone for their help and support. :)


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