Episode 1: How it All Started

The Unlikely Adventures of an Improbable Family

Published: Fri, Jan 5, 2024
Tagged: Comedy

If you exist, you know families are weird. But does your family include an egotistical laptop and an unreasonably happy fluff ball? This one does, and predictable chaos ensues.

INTRODUCING The Unlikely Adventures of an Improbable Family! A dark, surreal sci-fi comedy featuring the unlikely adventures of a forlorn man, his laptop (which is infested by a self-absorbed artificial intelligence), a cartoon alien fuzzball, and a mysterious woman with inexplicable telepathic abilities.

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Producer's Note:

To clarify a confusing situation... THIS is episode 1 of the Unlikely Adventures. Even though this episode was released AFTER episodes 2-6, I recommend you start with THIS episode and then jump to episode 2 from there.

I realize this is confusing, and I apologize. This is just how the creative process ended up working out. Hopefully no such shenanigans will be necessary in the future.


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